Early Help and Supporting Families
Selly Oak Trust School is totally committed to promoting the welfare of children and supporting families. Below are some helpful links for parents and carers to access support and guidance.
If you need any further support or advice please contact school on 01214720876.
Helpful Links
- Birmingham Children’s Partnership
- Mental Health / Emotional Wellbeing
- SEN / Autism
- Finance / Benefits
- Foodbank
- Uniform
- Housing
- Sleep
- Bereavement
- Young Carers
- Online Activities
- Additional Useful Organisations
Birmingham Children's Partnership
Mental Health / Emotional Wellbeing
- Forward Thinking Birmingham (FTB)
- Birmingham Forward Steps
- Living Well Consortium
- Pause
- Childline
- Educational Psychology Service
- Anxiety UK
- Young Minds
- The Waiting Room
- Kooth
SEN / Autism
Finance / Benefits
Young Carers
Online Activities
Additional Useful Organisations
- SEND Social Birmingham
- Disability Parent / Carer Forum
- NHS Self-Help Guides
- Young Minds / Mind
- Papyrus / Samaritans
- Aquarius Action Projects
- Birmingham City Mission
- Networkfour
- CEA Cinema Card
- The Proud Trust (LGBT+)
- Not A Phase (LGBT+ for Young People)